[en] main-title = Bitcoin & cryptocurrencies slides-origin.innerHTML = That presentation was first done for Devoxx Paris 2014 (original slides), updated and completed for an EPITA conference then for BBL. about-title = Who am I ? about-function = Web Developer about-what.innerHTML =
maps, itineraries, immersive views (in webGL), > 5 500 000 POI about-visit.innerHTML = > 1 000 000 visits per day poll-title = Poll poll-who-know-btc = Who knows about Bitcoin ? poll-who-know-other = About other crypto-currencies ? poll-who-own = Who owns some ? poll-who-have-mined = Who mined them ? poll-who-is-expert = Who is expert ? disclaimer-title = Disclaimer disclaimer-p = I’m interested in technical part of cryptocurrencies, not in the economy. toc-title=Table of content motivation-title = Motivation motivation-comic1.src = pictures/CommitStrip-en-1.gif motivation-comic2.src = pictures/CommitStrip-en-2.gif motivation-comic3.src = pictures/CommitStrip-en-3.gif intro-title = A few key points cryptocurrency-title = Cryptocurrency cryptocurrency-def.innerHTML = A cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer, decentralized, digital currency whose implementation relies on the principles of cryptography to validate the transactions and generation of the currency itself. bitcoin-1 = a crypto-currency, bitcoin-2 = a protocol, bitcoin-3 = a payment system via a network of clients. crypto-title = Basic cryptography crypto-symmetric-cipher-title = Symetric cipher crypto-asymmetric-cipher-title = Asymmetric cipher crypto-hash-title = Hash functions crypto-signature-title = Digital signature transaction-title=Transaction ? p2p-title = Peer-to-peer, decentralized proof-of-work-title = Proof-of-work proof-of-work-hashcash-title = Proof-of-work : hashcash proof-of-work-hashcash-img.src=pictures/hashcash-en.png proof-of-work-desc1.innerHTML = Adam Back, Britsh cryptographer, invented hashcash in 97 to avoid SPAM. Hashcash is based on a challenge to resolve. proof-of-work-desc2.innerHTML = The challenge : increment a value in order to find a hash < value (difficulty) proof-of-work-currency-title = Proof-of-work : bitcoin, litecoin proof-of-work-difficulty-input = Difficulty : proof-of-work-bitcoin = Bitcoin : based on SHA-256 (computation intensive) proof-of-work-litecoin = Litecoin : based on scrypt (memory intensive) proof-of-work-difficulty = Difficulty re-evaluated each 2016 blocks blockchain-title=Blockchain blockchain.number = Proof blockchain.hash = Hash blockgenesis.genesis = Genesis confirmation-title=Confirmations mining-title = Mining coins-generation-title = Coins introduction coins-generation-1.innerHTML=50 / 10 minutes for 4 years (→2012), coins-generation-2.innerHTML=then 25 / 10 minutes (→2016), then 12.5 (→2020), etc coins-generation-3=Who earns that money ? coins-generation-4=To one of the miners, retributed by putting transactions together inside next block. coins-generation-5=And can I too earn some Bitcoin ? coins-generation-6=Yes but race with all others miners. coins-generation-7=Why does a miner "wins" ? coins-generation-8=The first who brings a valid proof of work. coins-generation-img.src=pictures/block-en.png history-title = A little of history history-2008.innerHTML = 2008 : White paper by Satoshi Nakamoto, SourceForge history-2009.innerHTML = 2009 : firsts transactions history-2010.innerHTML = 2010 : pizza sold for 10,000 history-2011.innerHTML = 2011 : Litecoin history-2013.innerHTML = 2013 : Market cap reaches $1 billion history-2014.innerHTML = 2014 : MtGox bankrupted history-2015.innerHTML = 2015 : Ethereum history-2017.innerHTML = 2017 : Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold history-2018.innerHTML = 2018 : market cap is ~$150 billions - historyofbitcoin.org prices-title = Price evolution in US $ transactions-title = Transaction evolution transaction-network = Network transaction-miner = Miner transaction-block = Block transaction-input = input : transaction-output = output : transaction-signed = signed : transaction-hash = hash transaction-nonce = number transaction-desc1 = 1. Alice & Bob launch their Bitcoin client transaction-desc2 = 2. A public / private keypair is generated transaction-desc3 = 3. Clients connecting to other peers (bitcoin network) transaction-desc4 = 4. All clients download the blockchain transaction-desc5 = 5. Alice & Bob fetch blocks and check them transaction-desc6.innerHTML = 6. Alice discover 10 transaction-desc7.innerHTML = 7. Alice want to send 1 to Bob transaction-desc8.innerHTML = 8. And includes a fee of 0.01 transaction-desc9 = 9. She’s sending transaction to other peers transaction-desc10 = 10. Miner will then fetch current transaction transaction-desc11 = 11. ...and are searching a good number transaction-desc12 = 12. First miner who find a good number send the bloc to the network transaction-desc13 = 13. All client get the block and send it to other peers transaction-desc14 = 14. Alice, Bob & miner fetch that block and check it transaction-desc15 = 15. and update their Bitcoin account address-title=Where an address comes from ? address-keypair = Private and public keypair address-picture.src = pictures/address-generation-en.png clients-title = Clients types clients-type-1.innerHTML = Full client clients-type-2.innerHTML = Light client clients-type-3.innerHTML = Minimal client clients-type-4.innerHTML = Hardware wallet security-title = Security security-concerns-title=Security concerns practical-title = In practice feature-title = Features feature-1 = Open protocol and Open Source, driven by majority, feature-2 = Decentralized, without authority, feature-3 = Free access for everybody, feature-4 = Low fees (initially...), feature-5 = Transactions are validated within 10 minutes, feature-6 = No way to revert a transaction. realtime-title = Bitcoin : a few indicators merchants-title.innerHTML=I have , now what ? get-btc-title = Get bitcoins get-btc-mine = by mining them, get-btc-bepaid.innerHTML = by being paid in , get-btc-exchange.innerHTML = via exchanges (Paymium (ex bitcoin-central), kraken.com...) but you need : get-btc-exchange-admin = send papers, get-btc-exchange-transfert-euro = transfert $ or €, get-btc-exchange-offer = make an offer, get-btc-exchange-incoming.innerHTML = if the offer meets demand, you’ve got get-btc-exchange-transfert-btc.innerHTML = transfert those ! get-btc-local.innerHTML = by exchanging locally (localbitcoins.com) or ... maison-bitcoin-title = La Maison du Bitcoin division-or = or malware-title = Malware is coming malware-cryptolocker.innerHTML = Ransomwares : CryptoLocker (2013), Petya (2016), WannaCry & NotPetya (2017) malware-wallet = Protect (encrypt) your wallet (wallet.dat) malware-404s = On my web server : attack51-title = 51% attack attack51-caption.innerHTML = The Ghash.io mining pool gain around 51% of the bitcoin network the 13th of june 2014 for a few hours mtgox-title = MtGox history mtgox-history-2010.innerHTML = 2010 : Bitcoin exchange, mtgox-history-2011.innerHTML = 2011 : Sold to Mark Karpelès, mtgox-history-2011-2.innerHTML = 2011 : 60,000 accounts hacked, transerts blocked, transfert of 442000 to prove they own the money, mtgox-history-2013.innerHTML = 2013 : 70 % of worldwide exchanges, DDOS attacks, mtgox-history-2014.innerHTML = 2014 : All transfert blocked because they lost tracks of their ... mtgox-malleabilty= The “transaction malleability” flaw mtgox-transaction.labelfrom = From mtgox-transaction.labelto = To mtgox-transaction.labelamount = Amount other-cryptocurrencies-title=Others crypto-currencies miner-type-title=Miner types miner-type-img.src=pictures/miners-en.png scalability-title = Scalability scalability-tps.innerHTML = ~ 2000 TPS for versus ~0.8 TPS for scalability-cpu.innerHTML = CPU : ~100 Mb/s for RIPEMD-160, SHA256 & ECDSA about 8000 TPS on a i7 scalability-network.innerHTML = Network : ~0.5 Kb/transaction, about ~8 Mb/s for 2000 TPS scalability-storage.innerHTML = Storage : ~73 Gb (june 2016) but prune may come script-1.innerHTML = The scripting language is stack-based and similar to Forth, script-2.innerHTML = A transaction is made of 2 scripts (input and output), script-3.innerHTML = Condition check then action, script-4.innerHTML = Allow contracts, multi-party signatures... more-title = A little more dev-title=Integration in your project dev-validation=address validation dev-miner=Web miner dev-blockchain=Blockchain inspection dev-tools=Tools based-on-bitcoin-title=Based on Bitcoin... resources-title=Resources qa-title=Questions & Answers qa-presentation=That presentation is available on : demo-title=Demo conclusion-title = Conclusion conclusion-1.innerHTML=Bitcoin in 5 years ? Nobody knows but it doesn’t matter conclusion-2.innerHTML=But another cryptocurrency : surely ! conclusion-3.innerHTML=Blockchain : a « révolution » like Web, email, P2P... conclusion-4.innerHTML=To the masses conclusion-5.innerHTML=Innovation without authorisation assets-title=Assets references assets-wallpaper.innerHTML=Coins by Steve Garfield assets-commitstrip.innerHTML=Comic CommitStrip on Bitcoins assets-icons.innerHTML=Icons from Piotr Kwiatkowski, flags by GoSquared assets-key-icon.innerHTML=Key by Lorenzo Baldini from The Noun Project assets-shower.innerHTML=Shower as slide system assets-webl10n.innerHTML=webl10n as translation system appendix-title = Appendix